Saturday, May 30, 2009


Monsters VS Aliens Pictures, Images and Photos

The little B.O.B !! hey people , can he be our significance ah ? he is so suitable leh ! dont you think so ?

oh yes , today press , wise press , secret-ary and assistant met a few evil people .

[originally from secret-ary's blog ]

today was supposed another good day . first thing was because we can relax a bit cause its holiday now , second was because of this movie , it was a great and funny movie , it is another must watch movie . but bad thing happened after all . there were some social workers there . they stopped us .

we , social workers

hello hello . here is a paper for you all , if you have anything that you dont want and it can be recycled . you can contact us with this number , my name is Yuki .

oh ok , i will .

( i was thinking , there is another charity who comes to the pasar pagi which near to my house , why dont i give them ? its nearer and it is the same . so i was thinking , ok loh . nothing right . then she started .)

do you know about handicapped people ? it is so hard for the handicapped people to find their job or even work in this society right ? ( she showed us some pictures of them )
ohhh okkk . ( we gave her the look like very sweat . )
dont worry , im here not to asking you to donate money , can you write your name here ?
( we thought it was just supporting them by writting names )

then i was running to the ktm to check out the time . but when i come back that time .
so how much you want to give ?
(jo lee , pei en and me kept saying you pay lah you pay lah and i was so blur)

suddenly lyn said ,
eh why dont we share to give 10 bucks ?

this moment i knew what was happening . they wanted us to buy their things to show support . everything was WTH . you said you were asking for money and at the end , you forced us to give the money right ? and said : what 2 bucks ? minimum must be 20 bucks lah . WHAT WHAT WHAT ? got limitations ? this is my first time i heard donate money with minimum how much . WTH WTH WTH . what's wrong with her ?

i knew she knew we will give the money to them willingly at the end . because the money is to help those handicapped people . they dont have bad motive like wanting all our money like a robber but still they shouldnt ask in this way . she even asked for more like 100 bucks . TO BE VERY HONEST , i look down at those people who ask money from students and old people . its like , we are willing to donate but you shouldnt ask for MORE . this is so unreasonable and what's the difference between you and the robber if you ask in this way ? YEAH , in proper attire and show us your BEAUTIFUL LOOK .

for one thing , im not complaining about my five bucks flew away . its the matter how they ask . it is so rude and soon everyone will scare of them . as a social worker you are supposed to ask more people for money and not frightening all the people away from donating the money ! they are everywhere , even my friend's bf have experienced it . ganas people !!

it was the thing they gave us after donating the money .
its actually buying the thing from them ==

so warning warning warning , if you see the name something like snail society or they give you a paper ask you to contact them if you have unwanted things , quickly run away and say you are not free ! but if you wanted to do something for the handicapped people and you think you are rich enough , you may donate . lol .

we were so mad !!!!
next time mesti panggil polis !!!!!

reported by , secret-ary

Friday, May 29, 2009

Our 1st Activity

I proudly announced that our group has done our first activity today, which is
monster Vs al
ien in midvalley gsc cinema!!!
Idiot group's member such as Jo Lee, Lai Yee, Lyn Wei and me have participated in this activity.

For more details, please wait for our secretary to post the activity report.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Berita Gegar: Chong Jo Lee ditiduri?!

You heard it right..this is the big news.. XD

Petaling Jaya, 20 Mei- Pelajar Chong Jo
, 17, dari SMJK Katholik, telah ditiduri oleh rakan sekelasnya Gan Yee Min ketika waktu Add Maths.

Pelajar Chong Jo Lee yang juga merupakan
Press Idiot Group, telah ditiduri oleh Gan Yee
yang juga merupakan Bendahar-ee Idiot Group pada shoulder-nya.

Kejadian ini telah disaksikan oleh 2 orang lagi pelajar - Chew Jia Ler dan Tan Wei
. Malah, pelajar Tan Wei Chun juga
mempunyai motif untuk meniduri Chew Jia Ler
kerana cemburu. Luckily, Chew Jia Ler masih
dapat menahan nafsunya.

Kejadian tidur-meniduri ini juga telah mengakibatkan, Chong Jo Lee membalas dendam dengan mencabuli skirt biru Gan Yee Min pada keesokan harinya, 21 Mei.

Pihak polis masih lagi menjalani siasatan atas kejadian tersebut. Pihak
polis juga menasihati orang ramai, terutamanya para pelajar supaya tidak
melakukan perbuatan yang tidak senonoh ini.

zadao.. XD

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday our VICE PRES~

its 20th of may.. 520=我爱你....and its our VICE PRES' birthday... wow~ haha.. she was so sked until she stand so far away when recess time.. she even left lyn in front of toilet.. waiting for her.. bad huh.. haha.. but she couldn't escape also.. we purposely sing the birthday song loudly..XD(NG for the first time)..haha.. until the table beside also clap for us.. haha..
bcoz our

vice pres' mom told us she likes soft toy.. so i bought 1 for her..hehe.. head got a bit round and a bit bigger than body de dog.. haha.. nice to hug a~ haha..

AND AND is Il Ji Mae last episode a.. lolx.. ryung so good la.. dun wan2 kill the guy that killed his dad.. haha..very touching lo.. haha..

VICE PRES!!!!!! Happy Birthday A~~~~~
people , guess what , today is our WISE-PRESS aka KAN PEI EN's BIRTHDAY !

she was actually covering her evil laugh !

by the way , she is not an emo wise-press . :D:D

in our group , all the committees can be idiot like no one else and everyone's level of idiotness are very different , special and unique . oh yes , we like to make people speechless and let them feel lame of our words in a conversation .

if you think are idiot , come and join us ya !
we would want to gather all the idiot peoples in the world ! :D:D

p.s. : people in our group who are creative , please talk to us . we need to design our idiot group symbol/logo and create our own very special the only one theme song !

wooohooooo ~~~~ :D:D:D:D

your beloved secretary ,
misspenguin aka konglaiyee :D

Monday, May 18, 2009

The First Post

Yoyoyo!!! This is the first post for idiot group's blog!!! Here is the idiot group's vice president, Kan Pei En. The other important committee member of idiot group includes our president, Chong Jo Lee and our secretary, Kong Lai Yee.Both of you don't be sa sad and have the feeling to punch me because i didi the first post. Muahahaha!! I will definitely leave the second and third post for both of you la. See! I treat both of you so good. Hahahaha. Ok la. I know is a bit lame, but can you all let me syiok sendiri for a while? Anyway, its late now. I got to go to bed already. Nitez.

Under Lai Yee's requestt, i decided to post these conversations:

when we was dicussing about how to go to school... suddenly......

Jolee.: we walk there!!!~

: wa!!! what a brilliant idea!

Jolee.: thx!!! i also noe de le

misspenguin: woooooo

misspenguin: lets go lets go

Jolee.: yay!!!

: ya..

Jolee.: ya. right

: wat time shud we start our journey?

: em.. 4? or 5?

Jolee.: ya. 4 shud be ok

misspenguin: i think three would be better

Jolee.: oh ya. rmr bring towel and shirt

: yaya. We go there bath

misspenguin: we need time to eat

Jolee.: we bath at the place ya

: then shud be 4 lo

: we reach there then need to makan..

Jolee.: ya hor eat hor

: bath...

Jolee.: we eat at kanna. 3.30 la

: cha bu duo de la

Jolee.: ya lo. can la can la

and then suddenly again......

Jolee.: got see weil shern's pic

: got got

Jolee.: banana take pic with banana. his relative eh!!!!!!!

misspenguin: so banana-ish

Jolee.: 失散多年

Jolee.: lolx

misspenguin: haha. his bro. XD

Jolee.: how warn is that pic

: hahaha

Jolee.: they at last 团聚

: yaya. so kesian. separate for so many years. Finally...

Jolee.: wat a touching moment. Lolx. 38 la. lolx.